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Thalictrum isopyroides (A meadow rue)

Thalictrum isopyroides (A meadow rue)


Unlike its more commonly seen T. delavayi, this fellow is a lowgrowing species with delicate slightly blueish foliage. The inflorescence is short so not knocked over by winds and the whole plant remains compact, only growing to 30 cm or so. Dies back in autumn, grows well in pots as well in in the garden, even in Northland. It is native to a huge area extending from Turkey to Mongolia so can tolerate very cold winters as well as intense summer heat. Seldom grown in NZ, we believe this is the only source of plant material currently available.

  • Germination

    Sow in Autumn . Seeds germinate (no warmth needed) in 10-14 days on
    average. The seedlings are slow to get growing so best grown
    in pots kept sheltered until they are large enough to be pricked
    out and transplanted into individual pots. Plant in the garden in
    spring or summer. Best considered a woodland plant which
    requires water during dry periods.
    25 seeds/packet (seed packets contain leaf and stem pieces as
    they cannot be cleanly separated)

  • Approximate minimum seed count per pack

    25 seeds/packet (seed packets contain leaf and stem pieces as
    they cannot be cleanly separated)

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