Michauxia campanuloides
This rather rare and obscure plant from the Middle East (mainly
Turkey) seems to not even have an accepted common name.It is in the Campanula family, hence the species name but the flower is much more than the usual campanula tube, instead, the long petals spread out and back and have a twist.
The stigma and pollen are on a long tube so the whole flower
somewhat resembles a lily. Plants are slow to flower and have a long dormant season from mid-summer right through autumn.
The roots reshoot in winter, forming a flat rosette which, after 2-3 years, produces a 1m+ tall inflorescence in December.At the time of flowering, plants appreciate dry conditions and need no additional watering. If you have it in flower you can be fairly certain that your local garden ‘expert’ will not be able to identify it.
Seeds can be sown in autumn or winter in 10-16°C
temperatures. Seedlings grow well and can be transplanted
when 8 weeks old into individual pots for planting out into the
garden in late autumn. Can also be grown and flowered in pots
but as they plant dies right back to the roots it must be watched
and not overwatered when dormant.
30 seeds/packet
Seeds can be sown in autumn or winter in 10-16°C
temperatures. Seedlings grow well and can be transplanted
when 8 weeks old into individual pots for planting out into the
garden in late autumn. Can also be grown and flowered in pots
but as they plant dies right back to the roots it must be watched
and not overwatered when dormant.
30 seeds/packetApproximate minimum seed count per pack
30 seeds/packet