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Fuchsia splendens

Fuchsia splendens

SKU: R50

A seldom seen species native to the mountain cloud forests of southern Mexico and Costa Rica. Its spectacular flowers are produced most of the year and very large and tasty fruit are said to be the best tasting of the genus. Flowers are edible and especially sweet if picked 24 hours before consumption as the flower continutes to produce nectar which sweetens the morsel. A great way to add colour and flair to any salad.The fruit are up to 50 mm long and shaped like a thin cucumber. They remain greenish-yellow when mature and start to dry on the plant. Dried fruit sweetens markedly, tasting superior to a raisin. The seeds are numerous but tiny and not noticed when eaten. Plants are said to grow to 2 m but our plants put all their energy into flower and fruit production and they have remained small. Great as a pot or tub plant in a somewhat shady position. Sow seeds as for other Fuchsia. Seeds are tiny but germinate quickly. 25 seeds/packet

  • Germination

    Surface sow on light sandy soil. The seeds sprout more quickly with bottom heat.

    Once the seeds are sown, gently spritz them or run a light trickle of water over them. The containers can then be placed into a plastic bag or a propagator with a clear dome. The seeds will germinate more quickly if placed in a warm spot with bottom heat. 
    A bright windowsill is a good spot for growing the seedlings, too. Do not allow direct sunlight to hit them. The seeds should sprout in one to four months.

    To prevent legginess, it is best to provide as much light as possible during the whole process. A fluorescent plant light is helpful but not essential.

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